2024 NCFC State Legislative Candidate Survey

Answers to All Questions Are Required.

Question 1

Anti-gun organizations, often funded with out-of-state resources from Michael Bloomberg, have been clamoring for legislation to end all private party firearms transfers in North Carolina unless they submit to a federal NCIC check, thereby adding themselves and the firearm to a federal list. As we have seen, this legislation does virtually nothing to stop crime but expands statewide databases of gun owners – which can be used against gun owners later.

If elected, would you OPPOSE and vote NO on “Universal Gun Registration” or similar legislation that would ban all private party sales, make criminals out of North Carolina gun owners who want to pass on family firearms to their children and grandchildren – and create or expand the centralized database of gun owners at the same time?
Question 1 Answer(Required)

Question 2

“Extreme Risk Protection Orders,” commonly referred to as ‘Red Flag Orders,’ would allow virtually anyone to petition a court and make the claim, with little evidence or substantiation, that a person is a “danger to themselves or others.” Under “Red Flag” laws, liberal judges could, possibly even through ex parte hearings and with no due process of law, issue a “Red Flag” confiscation order, stripping a law-abiding gun owner who has never even been arrested, indicted or convicted of a crime, of their Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

If elected, would you OPPOSE and vote NO on ‘Red Flag Confiscation Orders’ and/or similar legislation that would deny law abiding North Carolina citizens their gun rights without due process and without ever having been convicted of a crime?
Question 2 Answer(Required)

Question 3

Following tragic shootings across America, President Joe Biden, anti-gun lawmakers, the media and Bloomberg funded activists scream for a complete ban of the AR-15 (and standard 30-round magazines) and hundreds of related firearms all because of a variety of cosmetic features. Legislation has been introduced to ban these firearms in Washington, D.C., and lawmakers here in North Carolina have introduced similar legislation. This, despite the fact that all semi-automatic firearms function essentially the same way.

If elected, would you OPPOSE and vote NO on legislation banning the manufacture, sale or possession of semi-automatic firearms and/or large-capacity magazines, recognizing that these restrictions do nothing to stop crime but only serve to punish gun owners?
Question 3 Answer(Required)

Question 4

Various state legislatures have already passed legislation that would ban all gun rights from American citizens between the ages of 18-20. In addition, many lawmakers at the state and federal level are publicly calling for this legislation to be enacted at the state level nationwide. This, despite the fact that these are law abiding citizens that can serve in the military, pay taxes, get married, have careers and enjoy every other aspect of being a legal adult.

If elected, would you OPPOSE and vote NO on legislation that would leave American citizens between the ages of 18-20 defenseless and unable to buy a firearm for self-defense?
Question 4 Answer(Required)

Question 5

Gun control activists have long desired arbitrary waiting periods before law abiding citizens would be able to exercise their 2nd Amendment freedoms and purchase a firearm for self-defense. This, despite the fact that the madmen in some of the worst mass shootings in America, like the one at Virginia Tech or the nightclub in Florida, purchased their guns AFTER submitting to these waiting periods. Of course, these waiting periods do nothing to stop violent criminals and only leave law abiding citizens vulnerable during times where they need a firearm the most.

If elected, would you OPPOSE and vote NO on legislation that would enact unconstitutional waiting periods, limiting when a law-abiding citizen in North Carolina could purchase a firearm for self-defense?
Question 5 Answer(Required)

Question 6

Most mass shootings happen in so-called “Gun-Free Zones” where law-abiding citizens are forced to disarm, which quite literally has resulted in violent criminals targeting these sites. This prevents otherwise law-abiding citizens from defending themselves, their loved ones and innocent citizens around them.

If elected, would you support and vote YES on legislation to eliminate restrictions on law-abiding gun owners from carrying a firearm in certain so-called “Gun-Free Zones,” otherwise known as “Criminal Safe Zones?”
Question 6 Answer(Required)

Question 7

Constitutional Carry recognizes that every law-abiding citizen has the right to carry a gun, openly or concealed, for any reason they want to, except to commit a crime. Thus, with no government bureaucracy or license, North Carolina citizens could defend themselves, and criminals who use firearms to commit crimes are severely punished. This is the law in twenty-eight states, including in our neighbors in Tennessee and Georgia, with South Carolina to likely follow suit. If passed in North Carolina, this law will restore the right for thousands of people to carry any firearm they can lawfully own for any lawful purpose with no additional paperwork or fees.

Would you support and vote yes on Constitutional Carry legislation, which would allow all law-abiding North Carolinians the right to carry any lawfully owned weapon, either concealed or openly, without having to first obtain government permission and be added to a list, as is done in many other states?
Question 7 Answer(Required)

Question 8

North Carolina removed its unjust “duty to retreat” law in 2011, but much work remains to overhaul North Carolina’s self-defense laws. True “Stand-Your-Ground” law enhancements would provide an enactment clause, establishes pre-trial immunity hearings, codifies a lawful citizen’s ability to “threaten” the use of reasonable force, and states that you can’t be civilly sued or criminally charged if a burden of proof cannot be met. This would drastically reduce the opportunity for an innocent citizen to be targeted by politically motivated prosecutors or judges, as Kyle Rittenhouse experienced.

Would you support and vote yes on legislation that would enhance North Carolina’s self-defense laws by codifying an enactment clause, pre-trial immunity hearings, threatened use of force and robust immunity for those forced to use reasonable deadly force in self-defense?
Question 8 Answer(Required)

Question 9

Almost every legislative candidate will say "I support the Second Amendment" but not all will stand firmly against new and invasive forms of gun control, especially when “compromises” are offered.

Will you oppose and vote NO on all methods of gun control, including those that the media calls "reasonable," such as bans on “ghost guns,” laws that disallow those with simple misdemeanor convictions from owning and carrying guns, increasing the minimum age of those who carry guns for self-defense, new taxes on ammunition, new ways to track guns and gun owners, the use of homemade firearms and the use of pistol braces?
Question 9 Answer(Required)

Question 10

Missouri has adopted and several states like Ohio, Iowa, Tennessee and Pennsylvania are considering passing 10th Amendment legislation in their states in order to protect the 2nd Amendment and self-defense rights of their citizens. This is done by forbidding federal government from “commandeering” state and local law-enforcement resources for the purpose of enforcing unconstitutional federal laws or unconstitutional executive orders.

Will you support and vote yes on Second Amendment Protection Act legislation for North Carolina, which renders federal gun control laws and executive orders unenforceable by the state of North Carolina and North Carolina law enforcement, with strong enforcement and civil penalty provisions, such as Missouri passed in 2021?
Question 10 Answer(Required)

Question 11

Mental health has become a back door for gun control by expanding the criteria for voluntary and involuntary commitments for “treatment,” thus adding more and more people to the NCIC ‘prohibited persons’ list, often without due process by a court of law. Once a person’s name is placed on this list, it is virtually impossible to have it removed.

Would you oppose all so-called “mental health” legislation that would deny law abiding North Carolinians their gun rights without due process through a court of law?
Question 11 Answer(Required)
Name (As it will appear on the ballot)(Required)
Please enter a number from 1 to 120.
Party Affiliation(Required)

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Please Note:

  • Unanswered questions will be considered as opposition to the rights of gun owners.
  • Feel free to attach additional comments to this survey, but know that we cannot publish them.
  • If you have any questions about this survey or need clarification on any question please email us at [email protected].
  • Unsigned surveys cannot be accepted for publication.
  • Please note that your responses are not considered official until and unless it is submitted electronically in its entirety.
  • Please Note: The deadline for receipt of your signed, completed survey is 5:00 pm on February 16, 2024.

@ 2025 North Carolina Firearms Coalition.
3434 Edwards Mill Road, Ste. 112-130, Raleigh, NC 27612.