Chip in $10


Whereas:        Gun owners sent a message on Nov. 5 by rejecting Kamala Harris and the Left’s gun control agenda and want the NC General Assembly to secure big wins for gun owners this year; and

Whereas:        Constitutional Carry would restore the right for lawful North Carolinians to carry any lawfully owned weapon they choose to defend themselves WITHOUT begging government permission;

Whereas:        Passing the Second Amendment Protection Act would ensure that future Democratic Presidents can’t use North Carolina cops to enforce federal gun control laws against us; and

Whereas:        Enhanced self-defense laws would provide badly needed upgrades, ensuring that gun owners can’t be prosecuted for legitimate self-defense cases; and             

Therefore:      As your constituent, I insist that you CO-SPONSOR, SUPPORT, AND VOTE YES on each of these bills because they will defend freedom for generations to come! The North Carolina Firearms Coalition will keep me informed on your votes.

Once you’ve done that, chip in to NCFC’s effort to mobilize the gun vote!